

From June 14, 2024 until June 16, 2024
Jakarta - Trung tâm Hội nghị Jakarta, Đặc khu Thủ đô Jakarta, Indonesia
(Vui lòng kiểm tra kỹ ngày tháng và địa điểm trên trang web chính thức bên dưới trước khi tham dự.)
tags: Fitness

Goifex – Goifex

GOIFEX, founded in 2014, has grown to be the largest sports exhibition and event in Southeast Asia. This year GOIFEX has been reborn with a brand new team, program and environmental friendly actions that are expected to make it more promising. IJune 14-16, 2024Hall BJakarta Convention Center (JCC) Jakarta Convention Center (JCC)November 15-17th, 2024Hall AJakarta Convention Center (JCC). 2019 SEA Games Gold Winner Enlivens Goifex Live!

HomeGOIFEX 2020JUNE 14-16 NOVEMBER 16-17Jakarta Convention CenterContact usWhat We DoGOIFEX, founded in 2014, has grown to be the largest sports exhibition and event in Southeast Asia. This year GOIFEX has been reborn with a brand new team, program and environmental friendly actions that are expected to make it more promising.TIME AND LOCATIONYou can also find out more about the following:June 14-16, 2024Hall BJakarta Convention CenterINovember 15-17th, 2024Hall AJakarta Convention CenterBook StandsEXHIBITOR PROFILESportswear, Equipment, and Accessories30%Gym and Fitness30%Foods and Supplements15%Hobbies, Community, and Entertainment10%Banks, Insurance and Hotels & Resorts10%Fitness Center and Health Consultant5%RegisterThe VIRTUAL CHALLENGE allows you to exercise at your own pace and achieve a goal. It can be performed anywhere, including at home. Participants will receive a medal and t-shirt for completing the challenge.

Số lượt truy cập: 1466

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Jakarta - Trung tâm Hội nghị Jakarta, Đặc khu Thủ đô Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta - Trung tâm Hội nghị Jakarta, Đặc khu Thủ đô Jakarta, Indonesia

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