
Triển lãm Thương mại Thêu & Vinyl

Triển lãm Thương mại Thêu & Vinyl
From March 03, 2023 until March 05, 2023
Trung tâm Hội nghị Lafayette - Cajundome, Louisiana, Hoa Kỳ
(Vui lòng kiểm tra kỹ ngày tháng và địa điểm trên trang web chính thức bên dưới trước khi tham dự.)

Registration · Everything Embroidery Market

Register Now Spring 2023 Lafayette, LA Show. March 3rd -5th, 2023 at the CajunDome Why attend? OCTOBER 19-21 2017. Register for the Market and Classes. Reserved seating is available in our classes and will fill quickly. To view all classes, click on Get Registered. Then you can register. Register early to guarantee a spot in the classes that interest you. After you select your ticket option, your seats will be reserved on the checkout form. There is also a shopping option.

Everything Embroidery Market can help you start your business, expand your business, boost sales, and keep up with the constantly changing industry. The Market will allow you to meet trade-related vendors from more than 10 different categories, shop for products and equipment, take classes and network with professionals and peers in the industry in a friendly and relaxed environment. This is one of the best opportunities to grow your business!

You won't find this opportunity anywhere else. There's nothing quite like the energy and connection of like-minded people at the show. The tips, new techniques and motivation, being able to meet suppliers and see their products, the tips and new tricks, the FUN, the motivating, being able to get answers on the spot, comparing equipment and supplies, and so much more. We are the one-stop shop for all your needs, whether you're a startup, established business, or an enthusiast.

THURSDAY, 9/22: Workshop registration opens at 8:30. Early Bird Registration is available from 2:30 to 6:30. (Early registration recommended for students who have an early Friday class).

Số lượt truy cập: 856

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Bản đồ địa điểm và khách sạn xung quanh

Trung tâm Hội nghị Lafayette - Cajundome, Louisiana, Hoa Kỳ Trung tâm Hội nghị Lafayette - Cajundome, Louisiana, Hoa Kỳ

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800 Nhân vật còn lại